Women’s Group Coaching

Be Water is a 12 Session over 6 Months (Bi-Weekly & Recorded Zoom Meetings,) where we focus on what works. After supporting women for over a decade in many fields from Fortune 500 consulting, to fashion, to beauty, teaching fitness and yoga, bodywork, birthwork, hypnosis and energy healing..

What has become very clear to me: what WORKS & what DOES NOT.
This is why I get such amazing results with clients (even after just one session)

Together we embark on a 6 month journey of Transformation that allows us to connect deeply with ourselves, to learn ways to MOTHER ourselves so that we can Love and Nurture ourselves in order to do the same for those that we love dearly, deeply.

There are many aspects of BEING Human, that include: The Self, Values, Nutrition, Movement, Spirituality, Finances, just to name a few..

Now, this can be overwhelming if we look at it here and now, all at once. The Magic is mastering the ability to shift your Perspective around this, to take on all of what is presented to us with Grace, Compassion, most importantly, Love. And of course, a Unique Feminine Fire. This is why I have spread this group event over 6 months. For Graceful and Impactful Integration. This is True Magic 😉

Now, The Tools:
What we are using here is that we are going to learn tools for:

Self Hypnosis
Timeline Healing
Dissolve Triggers
Vedic Astrology (Jyotisha)


(in order of appearance in our meetings)

We use tools like Astrology as a form of Tracking: Why?
Although many say that both Women and Nature are unpredictable.. neither actually are. As with anything in life, there are ways to predict this by using science and observation. NOTHING is Unpredictable, (even what is said to be unpredictable.) This is because, the universe moves in perfect orchestration of mathematical calculations. (VERY COOL.) As we learn to observe, we learn to see the signs of change or patterns repeated and repeating clearly, and this allows us to dissolve those patterns which have been destructive or have been wreaking havoc on our lives over time. If we choose to ignore these signs (whether big or small,) we are now consciously choosing to repeat. This Group Container is designed to heal those and to Consciously and Unconsciously create lasting change for a better life (the one that’s hiding under all of the old that we no longer need)

Astrology allows us to see these patterns in addition to our true nature, our calling, passions, what could be roadblocks for us (that keep us from living our most fulfilled life, from achieving our potential,) and to use these to nurture balance and positive growth. We will also use Astrology to support us in viewing what is called our Ayurvedic Constitution…

Ayurveda is a tool to Harmonize the Body & Mind. Why?

Ayurveda is a 5,000 year old health science that has inspired modern many diets, lifestyle hacks, bio-hacking and more without using the term Ayurveda. The term means Ayur - Life Veda - Science or Knowledge.
yurveda has been around for what seems like forever, for one reason. It works.
In conjunction with all of the work I do, Ayurveda is supportive of the truth that our mind shapes our reality. The subconscious mind which is in charge of 95% of our reality, responds to symbols. Ayurveda is a life science that uses symbolism in the form of lifestyle, food as medicine and balance.
In this Group Coaching, you have access to my course, Ayurveda Foundations, where you have access to learn more about yourself, how your body works best, and how to balance where challenge may present.
In Ayurveda we look at the Body & Mind in form of Elements, Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether. These make up Kapha (Earth & Water,) Pitta (Fire & Water,) Vata (Air & Ether.) In short, When there is too much air (Vata Imbalance,) we add in Earth to Ground (Kapha.) The Body/Mind function best in a harmonious environment and this is where bringing those elements into balance gifts us harmony in our day to day.

Say No More, Sign ME UP!


Say No More, Sign ME UP! ⚡️💎🦪


  • MODULE 1

    In our First Month together, we focus on balancing & clearing.
    Soothing the Nervous System, Calming the Waters.
    In Still Water, you are able to see CRYSTAL CLEARLY, the obstacles (distractions that at the core are subconscious limitations,) you will be learning to clear in this 12 weeks together.

    (You have lifetime access to this course, you can re-use this protocol ANYTIME. if you need a re-set, a re-connect, it’s always here for YOU.)

    Implementing Ayurveda Inspired practices into your Lifestyle.

    WEEK 1 - MAY 13

    WEEK 2 - MAY 27

    WEEK 3 - JUNE 10

    WEEK 4 - JUNE 24

  • MODULE 2

    Now that we know HOW to locate emotions, triggers, roadblocks on your paths… let’s put it into practice.

    In our Second Module together, we focus on putting into practice, actually dissolving triggers. Breaking free from what has triggered: Fight, Flight, Freeze or Fawn responses.

    WEEK 1 - JULY 8

    WEEK 2 - JULY 22

    WEEK 3 - AUGUST 5

    WEEK 4 - AUGUST 19

  • MODULE 3


    Think of this as the Module of Refinement.





    WEEK 4 - OCTOBER 14

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Pay in Full (save $117)
or Monthly Payment Plan

My Approach brings together practices which optimize your Human Experience,
which allow you to access your FULL Human Potential.
Including Subconscious Coaching, Hypnosis, Jyotisha (Vedic Astrology,) and Ayurveda.

Yes, you get to experience what
Private Coaching is like in this Group!

what you do is the PERFECT balance of soft and nurturing and showing me how strong and powerful I am. it’s beautiful.
I’ve never experienced anything like it.
i’ve never experienced anything like what you do. this is the first spiritual consult that didn’t talk about ‘twin flames’ or paint an airy fairy picture. this is grounded, real, and everything you predicted has come true over the past year. your craft is a breath of fresh air.
I actually listened to what you said. After just one week, I feel so much better. No more bloating, my skin is glowing. I feel so much better.
— this client also struggled with fertility and became pregnant a few weeks later.
the time where we worked together, I was the most balanced and ‘put together’ I’ve ever been.

First, let’s explore the Mind,
as the Mind governs all.

95% of Your Reality is Created by Your Subconscious Mind.

Our Minds are our reality, they create it, live in it, enjoy it and more. The Mind is made up of the Conscious Mind which is where we make decisions and direct, the Subconscious or Unconscious Mind is the part that truly holds all of the power, that controls all that you don't 'think about.' The things that naturally happen. It is in charge of 95% of your human experience -- your breathing, your heart pumping, blood, eyes blinking, AND all of your patterns, behaviours, conditioning, habits -- good, bad and in between.

The subconscious is developed between ages 0-7 as we are in a Theta brainwave state, which is why "children are like sponges!" All of the information, values, habits and behaviours, trauma, fears and what we like or don't like are encoded, written, stored in our minds at this time.

Although after age 7, we are no longer in a Theta State, we have the ability to access it at anytime. During this container, the focus is working with the subconscious to re-write what was written that is limiting us from Love, Health, Joy, Abundance, Success and Pleasure in all areas of our lives. To find the Limiting Beliefs that create Habits, Patterns, Behaviour and Blockages... to Remove them, and Replace them with New Information that is Empowering, even Exciting and most importantly, FREEING.